How Small And Beautiful is Africa’s Newest Country: eSwatini

I have a great passion for exploring different corners of the world.
It was during the pandemic, on the “Travel corridor” list that I came across a country name that I didn’t recognize : eSwatini.

 Where is The Kingdom of eSwatini,
©Swaziland Tourism Authority

Where is Eswatini?

As I checked on my old map I was unable to locate it.  Further in my research  I then realised, in actual fact eSwatini is the smallest country in Africa. It is a kingdom. The Kingdom of eSwatini, interestingly it is less than the size of Wales.
First of all, I love learning about new destinations and cultures.
For me, it’s a must to gain true glimpse into some of the world’s most farfetched places.
Secondly as we are waiting for better days when we can travel, like many others I am travelling virtually.

I would like to visit The Kingdom of eSwatini. So on my next travel I will probably add The Kingdom of eSwatini,
©Swazi Frontier

The kingdom of eSwatini: Africa’s newest country.

eSwatini, meaning “Land of the Swazis” is home to one of the last absolute monarchies in the world.  In fact the Kingdom of eSwatini was commonly known as Swaziland. In April 2018 King Mswati III renamed Swaziland: eSwatini. The kingdom of eSwatini is bordered by Mozambique and South Africa.

It is good to know that eSwatini is a beautiful kingdom, with a small economy.

The kingdom of eSwatini is often seen a stopover between South Africa’s Kruger Park and the beaches of Mozambique.

There is much to do in The Kingdom of eSwatini- from hikes, food, culture.
©Swazi Frontier

There is so much more to discover because of the climate: waterfalls, wildlife in a lush, fertile and stunning landscape, mountains and valleys- Most of all, the Kingdom is home to the Big Five.

Thirdly the people of eSwatini are friendly. Nevertheless they are working hard to actively preserve and therefore safeguard their cultural heritage. Traditional arts and crafts are visible everywhere. For instance you will see wood,  stood carving, jewelry and much more. More so in the festivals and spirited dances.
The real wealth is in the people and their tradition.

The Kingdom of eSwatini the culture is secured as the next people try hard to keep all their culture
©Swaziland Tourism Authority

Facts about eSwatini

Population: 1.3Million.
The capital city: Mbabane
Currency: The Lilangeni
Official Languages:   Swazi along with English
The Climate: It is diverse. The Highveld which is a cool and mountainous and Lowveld which is hot and dry.
Best time to visit:  It is an all year round destination.
To see wildlife: May-September
For scenery: abundant birdlife and local culture: October-April.
How to get there: London to Maputo via Johannesburg plus car journey to Vuvulane.

The wild life is absolutely amazing- The Kingdom of eSwatini offers a great wildlife to explore.
©Chase and Peter Gutmann

Above all the Kingdom of eSwatini is a small country but most importantly it is beautiful and very welcoming.
Fourthly, when I resume my travel around the world, I make sure I put eSwatini on my list of places to visit.
Oh also I got a new world map with eSwatini on it.

Finally A big thank you to The Kingdom of eSwatini Tourism Authority for the pictures, much appreciated.