
Dive into a world of captivating narratives and enriching perspectives with our curated selection of books by black authors.
Celebrating the depth, richness, and diversity of black literature, we prioritize titles published by black publishers. From riveting fiction to insightful non-fiction, each book we recommend promises a unique storytelling experience. Explore and embrace the voices that have shaped, inspired, and redefined the literary landscape. Most of my reviews will be done on black authors and publishers. Nevertheless I will also review travel books, travel guides and much more.  How to find book written by black authors. As a solo mature traveller I have plenty of time to read. I am also an author. It is important for me to showcase my follows authors.
From young author to the more mature I will review.

Swimming with Fishes by Rasheda Ashanti Malcolm

Author: Rasheda Ashanti Malcolm Swimming with fishes is an amazing love story.  It takes us to in the foreground of Jamaica where the characters come alive. It seems that  each one provides a different aspect of love, respect, strength and determination. Rasheda  beautifully described  life as it is  on the off beaten tracks of Jamaica.

Swimming with Fishes by Rasheda Ashanti Malcolm Read More »

Black Boy Can’t Fly? by Marcelle Roujade

Author : Marcelle Roujade Have you ever been told that you cannot achieve something because of your gender, race or background? Black Boy Can’t Fly? is a true account of a young black boy’s quest to live his life-long dream against all odd. Anthony  is from West London a place where he lives with his

Black Boy Can’t Fly? by Marcelle Roujade Read More »